
Fat and Happy is a journal of writing about daily happenings as well as whatever I feel like writing about. Thanks in advance for any comments from you!

Friday, October 01, 2004

Surf Music (AKA: the Debate)

Last night I went to a debate party at my friends' Dorian and Rob's place, a gorgeous apartment in Brooklyn Heights. They provided lots of great drinks and snacks and a healthy dose of liberal anger. When I first arrived, I conversed with a surf band bass player. I asked when or if he felt he'd reached his heyday (a good question, I know), and he said that for the year when Pulp Fiction came out, he and his group were hot stuff. They played at weddings, events, and generally found themselves appreciated in a way they hadn't before. Then the fad wore out as quickly as it had arrived. He's still playing surf music and having a lot of fun, though. I had a drink and a square of cheese on a toothpick (Is there any better creation?) and settled in for the showdown. Kerry started out a little nervous. He said "shatters" instead of "tatters" (don't we all sometimes) and maybe gave too many compliments to Florida. But then he got down to business, feeling more and more comfortable as the President began to make an ass of himself. As someone at the party pointed out, had we been given bingo cards, they would have included the phrases "hard work," "grand diversion," and "nucular." He mixed up Sadaam and Osama (though only once) and he said that he knew things were bad in Iraq because he'd seen it on TV. The highlight of the debate for me was when Dorian put down her blue martini and threw a flipflop (one of Bush's favorite words) at the television, hitting the President right on the nose! After the debate, I had some chips and guac and chatted with Rob. I am eternally grateful to Rob and Dorian because they were the previous companions to my kitten-kids, Cloud and Frou-Frou. They raised them right, and adopting them has been pure joy. Before walking me to the subway, Rob took me down to his bedroom closet and showed me a picture of my sweet cats. Seeing the sweet image from their youth made me so excited to be going home to them (If you're reading this, Cloud and Frou, I still think you're young!). Before leaving, Dorian showed me an inspiring art project that she'd done utilizing a Teletubbies kids' book. She'd glued media images of the Republicans in just the right places, making for a much better book! This is one of my favorite artistic genres, so I was pleased as punch to get a look and some laughs at her work. As Rob walked me to the subway, we talked about how great Dorian is. He told me how much she has influenced his way of thinking and how special she is to him, more than anyone else on the planet. Rob is a nice guy, and two of the reasons I know this are because 1) he swiped his metrocard for me at the station (before I could swipe mine), and 2) he brought me my own special bowl of hot popcorn during the debate. A fine night with smart company. Go Kerry!


At Saturday, October 02, 2004 10:16:00 AM, Blogger sk8rn said...

What a lovely crowd to see the debates with!

At Monday, October 04, 2004 3:24:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone I talked with recently thinks Bush has had a stroke. At any rate, he's goofy. Your evening was bliss. B

At Wednesday, October 20, 2004 1:33:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for the most honorable mention in your blog!


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