
Fat and Happy is a journal of writing about daily happenings as well as whatever I feel like writing about. Thanks in advance for any comments from you!

Friday, September 17, 2004

The Animal Drive Thru

Excerpt from a late night phone conversation with my close friend, Mark, the gay teacher:
(excerpt begins mid-way through the conversation with Mark speaking first, then back and forth)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"I really want you to meet my two friends, R and S" [two married doctors who are good friends with Mark].
"I know, I definitely want to meet them. You've talked about them for so long."
"Well, we have this day trip planned that you could come on. We're going to take their kids to Great Adventure, only we're just going to the animal drive thru because R and S don't like amusement parks but they're not assholes -- they'll let their kids enjoy a safari now and then."
"How would we get there?" [I like driving with Mark]
"We'd take a train to their house and then we'd all load into R and S's van."
"I don't know Mark. It sounds too much like Planes, Trains, and Automobiles..." [a good movie in which multiple modes of transportation become stressful].
"Yeah, I told R I had a special friend I'd like to take, and he said that someone would have to be a pretty good person to put up with the hassle."
"That's nice that you thought of me."
"Actually, you weren't the friend I was referring to...Didn't I tell you about T from the gay church retr-"
"Yeah, yeah, you've told me about T."
"Well, T sometimes longs for a family and kids, so I thought he might enjoy looking at one for a few hours. You know, seeing the kids smile at the animals out the window."
"Yeah, that's thoughtful."
"So, do you wanna go? I didn't get a chance to ask T because he's in SF this week."
"I don't know. If I'm going to go to Great Adventure, I'd like to experience the park, not just the animal drive thru."
"Jennifer, this animal drive thru is nothing to sneeze at. There are male elephants." He chortles with smug pride. "You don't get that at the Bronx Zoo."
"Why not?"
"Because they're elephants, Jennifer. They're hard to handle. The males are aggressive."
"Oh, sorry, I didn't know."
"That's okay."
"I'll think about it, Mark, okay?"
"If not, we could go to the fright show at Halloween or the Christmas light display in December."
"Oh, that might be more up my alley. We could rent a car and go ourselves."
"Actually I meant we'd take the train to R and S's house and drive with them, you know, to keep the kids progressively educated."
Mark pauses in response to my silence and then adds, "Or you and I could rent a car and go ourselves."
"That might be nice."
"Mark, how long is the animal drive thru?"
"It's one hour, and it costs seventeen dollars" [I like to gather info on a plan that I likely know I won't go on but it's nice to keep gathering info. In fact, it's kind of like going].
"Can I get back to you?"
"You can decide right before if you want."
"That sounds good."
"Okay, good night, Jennifer."
"Good night, Mark."


At Saturday, September 18, 2004 1:02:00 AM, Blogger sk8rn said...

Reading this dialogue made me a little nervous, because I am not very assertive at turning down invitations when I don't want to do something. As I read your post, I was thinking, "Yeah, good, gather info so you can come up with a valid excuse not to go." As if a simple, "I don't want to ride the train" isn't a valid excuse. Or even just, "I'm sorry; I'm not interested." I'm so bad with that. Though when I force myself to go, I almost always have fun. But even that is bad - I get positive reinforcement for my inassertiveness.

At Sunday, September 19, 2004 12:48:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The combo of Mark and fierce elephants is a daunting concept. Tell Mark I miss him. B

At Tuesday, September 21, 2004 5:33:00 PM, Blogger Kerry said...

Hello. I love your blog. Since the blog world is small and I feel protective about it, there is a nice girl getting horrid comments to her eloquent entries. Her blog is: http://joyful922.blogspot.com/
To see the evil person's comments and my diagnosis, check out my Blog critic site: http://kleinbergen.blogspot.com/
BuffyTheSlayr aka Kerry

At Wednesday, September 22, 2004 3:35:00 PM, Blogger Kerry said...

Hi! This comment was left for me after I challenged a nasty person's hate campaign on fat persons-I quote:
ok, so for one..I am not going to site here and type in a middle age fat persons blog. I really don't care if you try and track me...woooo...hey lets make it a game then..I wish you good luck..and for everytime that you fail..you can eat more and get even fatter..lol..for 2, don't stick your nose in places it dosen't belong.All your doing in causing people problems around here..do you now realize that everything you do is going to come back 10 times harder on someone else..Stay out of people business..All you problary do is sit home on your fat dumb ass, eat ice cream and play on your computer.Which you problery bought with your welfare checks cause your 2 nasty to work.Oh yea, and I think that it's cute that you follow what I write..At least I know that I am getting my point accross to someone..Gotte hit home when someone talks about being fat..lol..And me..I am not fat, I am very well liked, and believe me you would die to look like this..Fatty..Well I have to run..don't have time to waste..gotta hit the Gym, ever heard of it?? I Bet not..You go to taco bell and have fun..Later Fatty..Stay out of my business..

-the ever great SLIM.... :-)
# posted by Slim : 11:38 AM

You can delete this after you read it but can you believe the spelling?


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